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This paper analyzes how peasant movements scale up agroecology. It specifically examines Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF), a grassroots peasant agroecology movement in Karnataka, India. ZBNF ends reliance on purchased inputs and loans for farming, positioning itself as a solution to extreme indebtedness and suicides among Indian farmers. The ZBNF movement has achieved massive scale not only because of effective farming practices, but because of a social movement dynamic – motivating members through discourse, mobilizing resources from allies, self-organized pedagogical activities, charismatic and local leadership, and generating a spirit of volunteerism among its members. This paper was produced as part of a self-study process in La Via Campesina, the global peasant movement.  相似文献   
"零容忍"警务政策是从社会大众平时最为关心和感受最深的轻微违法犯罪入手,严厉打击,不让其有机会转变为重大犯罪,进而控制犯罪率."打早打小"警务政策是当犯罪行为处于萌芽状态和初始阶段时,就及时予以打击,不让其膨胀成为影响社会治安、影响群众安全感的"肿瘤".使犯罪活动处于可控状态.上海公安机关实施的"打早打小"警务政策借鉴了"零容忍"警务政策及其战略、战术,确保了一方平安,为上海经济持续发展、社会持续稳定提供了强有力的保障.  相似文献   
道路交通拥堵是目前越来越引起公众关注的社会问题,建立快捷、安全、有序的现代化城市交通管理模式是构建和谐社会的时代要求。许多城市在道路建设中缺乏对未来道路车流量的预见性、超前性规划。交通管理要凸现科学人文关怀;对交通违法行为实行“零容忍”警务政策,科学、严格、规范管理,确保道路交通安全、有序、畅通;同时,要科学用警,打造警务联动机制。  相似文献   
本轮中美贸易摩擦的发生是美国对华政策深度调整的结果,根源于中美关系框架内不同性质的力量发生实质演变。中美货物贸易逆差是全球价值链体系内东亚区域整合的必然结果,因而具有很强的不可逆特征。美国主动挑起贸易摩擦的时机选择体现了其战略考量。作为中美关系中重要的正面力量,经贸关系的“压舱石”作用在不断弱化,政治、安全等负面力量不断发酵并呈现出主导中美关系走向的态势。此次中美史诗级贸易摩擦是美国社会对华负面力量不断叠加并积累到一定程度的结果。“文明的冲突”加剧了中美关系正负力量失衡并使天平逐渐向负面力量倾斜。面对中美贸易摩擦的复杂性和长期性,基于发展视角提出中国理性客观应对中美贸易摩擦的战略与策略。  相似文献   
社会治安复杂地区具有集中性、复杂性、历史性、外源性、动态性的特性。社会治安防控体系建设的目标应围绕"稳、低、少"三个方面。社会治安复杂地区防控体系建设的主体框架应包括:情报体系建设,巡防网络建设,快速反应机制,治安管理机制,打击整治机制,犯罪预防机制。  相似文献   
零容忍政策探析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
美国纽约的犯罪率自1994年之后急剧下降,许多媒体、政治家、警务工作者将其归因于零容忍政策的有效推行,从而使这一政策成为许多国家关注和讨论的热点。零容忍政策的核心意思是对各种反社会的行为和犯罪应当采取严厉打击的态度,哪怕是对轻微的违法犯罪行为,也要毫不犹豫、决不妥协地进行彻底的斗争。通过考察和探析零容忍政策的含义、理论根据、历史、实践和社会评价等方面的意义,探讨将这一政策作为当前我国社会治安工作新方向的可能性。  相似文献   
The outbreak of Sino-US trade friction is the result of the in-depth adjustment of the United States’ political attitude to China,originating from the essential changes in the internal power structure of Sino-US relations. The Sino-US merchandise trade deficit is the inevitable result of the integration of regional industrial chains in East Asia under global value chain, hence with its strong irreversibility. The U.S. timing selection of starting the trade friction against China reflects its strategic thinking. As an important positive force, the role of economic and trade relations as “ballast stone” is weakening, while negative forces such as politics and national security are fermenting, and show a trend of dominating Sino-US relations. To some extent, the outbreak of the Sino-US trade friction is the result of the continuous superposition and accumulating of negative forces towards China in the United States. The “conflicts of civilization” aggravates the imbalance of positive and negative forces in the framework of the Sino-US relation and makes the balance gradually incline to negative forces. Faced with the complexity and longevity of the Sino-US trade friction, this paper puts forward some strategies and tactics to deal with Sino-US trade frictions rationally and objectively based on the perspective of development.  相似文献   
如何在对干部进行规范约束的同时予以有效激励,以确保权力的规范运行和效能释放,是一个重要现实议题。当前,对干部队伍的激励已从单向度激励走向多要素激励。多要素激励意味着在持续稳定地增加薪酬、明确职务晋升预期的同时,还应建构科学合理的容错机制。中央层面的顶层设计和各地随之制定的多政策文本及其实践探索,构成了容错激励的经验支撑。从中可以看出,容错机制发挥激励效能须当满足四个条件:划清容错与问责之间的范围边界、容错政策本身保持一定清晰度、确保政策执行的上下融通、“一把手”的果敢担当。客观存在的复杂情势蕴含着容错的天然需要、构建双向回应的责任政治、倡导构建多要素多样化的激励体系,则蕴含着容错机制释放激励效能的内在逻辑。  相似文献   
PPP项目商业模式创新失败率高,政府部门有必要通过合同激励项目公司进行失败学习,进而促发其再创新意愿。首先,通过文献分析并结合PPP特殊性,将PPP项目的合同激励分为利益分配与政府承诺,借鉴组织学习理论引入失败学习的概念,在此基础上建立以合同激励为前因、失败学习为中介、PPP项目商业模式再创新意愿为结果并考虑失败容忍度调节作用的概念模型;其次,采用情境模拟结合问卷调查的方式采集到67份有效实验数据,并运用层级回归分析的方法进行实证检验。研究结果表明:合同激励中的利益分配与政府承诺均对失败学习有显著正向影响,且政府承诺的影响要大于利益分配;失败学习对商业模式再创新意愿有显著正向影响;失败学习在利益分配和政府承诺对再创新意愿的影响中起到完全中介效应;失败容忍度正向调节失败学习对商业模式再创新意愿的影响。  相似文献   

Zero tolerance has been described as a "popular slogan for politicians talking tough." It is also a slogan with international advocates. In addition to the US, politicians from Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and South Africa have praised this aggressive policing strategy. While this is a testament to the ease with which ideas diffuse between nations in the contemporary world, it does not explain why this particular idea is so popular. Nor does it explain why zero tolerance animated so many in the mid- to late-1990s. In order to answer these questions adequately, it is important to place zero tolerance in a wider social, political, and economic context. As this article argues, zero tolerance resonates in contemporary culture because it symbolizes a variety of tensions and anxieties found in late modern society. These anxieties are revealed through the often volatile and contradictory politics of law and order; through the routine scrutiny of marginal populations in society; and through the high degree of public tolerance for both of these developments. Recent research suggests that the rise of free market neoliberalism and social conservatism in western industrialized democracies provides an important backdrop against which these anxieties emerge. Imbued with meaning and populist appeal, it is the idea of zero tolerance, along with its cultural and symbolic resonance in contemporary criminal justice, which requires explanation.  相似文献   
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